Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Holy heck it was hot today! Not only hot but humid, yuck.

Summer is here!

Luckily we were prepared, MV and I played out side in the morning in a bit then stayed in and enjoyed the central air until about 4:30ish. By then our new kiddie pool had warmed enough for MV to enjoy it (think bath water lol).
We had a great time and stayed in the pool for 45 minutes, despite the warm water it was still pretty refreshing. The pool is big enough that I can sit in it with extra room between my feet and the edge, and deep enough that if it was full would come up to my chest while sitting.

Does a 16 week old baby need a pool that big? No, but don't tell hubby I bought it for me ;) at $10 it was a great find lol

We do need something to provide us a bit of shade for the pool, I'm torn on using sunscreen since MV is so young and reviews are mixed.

Here are some pics from today, despite his uneasy look he loved the pool :) I hope everyone enjoyed the first day of summer!


Britt said...

MV is soooooo cute!

Maria said...

he's the sweetest and so so happy! i'm glad the two of you got out and enjoyed a nice little swim!
his outfit is so cute!
ughh, i'm feeling ya on the hot and sticky's gonna be the same around here too!
stay cool <3