Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge day 6

Nicknames you have & Why you have them:

I have to say that I do not have many people who actually call me by a nickname, most people prefer to use my full name. I'm not entirely sure why but I think it has something to do with the fact my name is more old fashioned, not really that popular (although I've read it's slowly coming back), and not to toot my own horn but it's a more dare I say elegant/beautiful name. At least that's what I've been told ;)

But anyways on to those nicknames I do have.

Skippy - my stepdad used to refer to me as this thru my teenage years, I'm pretty sure it started because of all the classes I skipped in grade nine (3 short of the requirement to pass). he still writes it on my birthday cards.

VV - This one is my initials and I have a couple of work friends who will refer to me as that occasionally.

Vajaj - lol before I was married a friend I worked with called me that and for some reason she and a couple others continue too from time to time.

Jimmy - A childhood friend came up with this when we were pretty young. A group of us thought it would be a good idea to make nicknames using boy names. I was Jimmy lol. Twenty something years later she still calls me that, no one else's names stuck.

Ginniboo - This one I've had my whole life, it was given to me by an aunt who makes up nicknames for everyone. Sometimes she uses parts of our names and other times she just makes up weird words to calls us. In my case mine is part of my name with a twist.

I think that's all of them, this is probably the closest to telling you my actual name I'll get ;)

1 comment:

Maria said...

hahaha vajaj!!

nicknames are so fun!
i think i have about 50 for each cat and a few for steve when he's a pain in the ass :)

i love your name, beautiful lady!