Saturday, June 2, 2012

3 Months

Holy moly my lil baby boy is officially no longer a newborn; I have an infant!
I seriously feel like time is going too fast yet too slow all at the same time...I'm not really sure how to explain that one...

Anyhow, MV offically turned 3 months last week and here are the latest stats:

My chunky monkey now weighs a whopping 14lbs! You should see his thunder thighs! LOL

I think this might be off but it appears MV only grew half an inch this month. According to our measuring he is 45 inches long.

Not too much has changed here, his hair is getting a little thicker, some days it looks darker than others.Eyes are still light blue with a darker outer ring.

Clothing size
Sadly more clothes have been packed away yet again :( were pretty much finished with the 3 month sizes, except for a couple pairs of pants. Shirts are now 3-6 months and footy sleepers are six months (which are too wide but almost the perfect length).

Size 2 and dare I say on the verge of size 3?! I feel like the size twos were short lived but thunder thighs needs a little more leg room so I can see us switching sometime this month. Oh and we are officially Huggies fans all the way ;)

Each night we start with a longer stretch of sleep that can range from 2-4 sometimes 5 hours if I'm lucky. Once that initial stretch is over we sleep in 2 hour intervals. MV is still very good at falling right back to sleep while nursing which helps me not feel so sleep deprived. Naps are still wherever and whenever, lately they've been happening on the boppy pillow.

Nothing new here, exclusively breastfeeding, our bottle strike continues. Not sure if I mentioned that but in April we stopped using bottles due to latching problems, well fast forward a month and try to bring back the bottles. NOPE. I refuse to spend any more money on bottles, and I'm sick of wasting breast milk in our daily attempts to reintroduce the bottle.

New Developments
We had one back to belly roll (off the couch onto the ottoman. Go ahead tell me I'm horrible I swear it won't happen again, no one was hurt) Lots of attempts to roll belly to back but no success so far.

MV is a full fledge thumb sucker, its more of a smacking noise actually

Teething is causing some pain. :(

MV has found his feet. He hasn't been able to grab on for too long yet but he's trying.

He is trying to "talk" non stop. He barely is quiet anymore. Oh and he's figured out how to flirt lol

The baby in the mirror is now our friend lol MV loves talking to his reflection.


I am still doing lots of laundry due to all the puke. Hopefully he grows out of this soon, I'm considering starting cereal next month to see if it helps.

The ultrasound last month came back clear so we are dealing with reflux and possibly a milk protein sensitivity. I don't think it's an allergy because sometimes dairy doesn't bother him.

I bought a hazel wood and amber necklace to see if it can help with the reflux and teething discomforts.

We've been going for daily walks, it appears I have a bit of a nature boy, he loves being outside!

I hope to start going to some mommy baby groups this month and get MV used to being around other babies and kids

Temperament = firey. We have a very short tempered impatient little boy here. Happy go lucky most of the time but whoa watch out if you make him wait for something, I foresee a lot of temper tantrums in the future.

He LOvES the bath. He has from the start but he really loves it now that he kicks and plays in the water. Recently we discovered he loves showers too.

He also loves being naked ;)

He is showing some preference for certain toys. Faves right now include a little bug with crinkly wings, his zebra pacimal, and Sophie the giraffe chewing toy. Oh and he loves laying in his crib talking to his mobile.

I think that is all! :)
And of course a few pictures from this month :)


Unknown said...

So cute!!! Can't believe he is getting so big already!

Maria said...

ahhh, he is gorgeous...i seriously see the photos of him and AWW out loud! the one of him laughing is PRECIOUS...what a happy little man!

happy three months to,
time is going by so fast it seems.

i hope the teething eases up on him!!
i love that you're documenting all of will be so fun to look back on.

thank you for all your sweet words ALWAYS!!
i'm excited to catch up on all of your posts! <3