Monday, April 14, 2014

Hey Monday!

Everyone else is all like 

And I'm over here all like 

I realized today that I love Mondays. Strange? Maybe. I'm sure I'm in a minority with that one, but really weekends have never really been "weekends" for me anyways. I have a career that will more than likely have me working weekends until I retire. An even now with me being on Maternity leave weekends just mean disruption to routine and loud and busy. 

I look forward to Mondays. I enjoy waking up and hubby's side of the bed being empty. I take my time and get the kids fed and ready and by 9-9:30 Mav is at daycare and Ty and I are on our own. 

I get quiet; a peaceful day to do my own thing. For instance this lovely Monday I am sitting here enjoying a nice breakfast out. Just myself and Ty (who is sleeping thru it all) 

After this I am going to go home and resume some spring cleaning. Not really exciting but it's hard to do with a baby and toddler to tend to, and then add hubby into the mix and his presence throws everything off. (Love him really but he gets in the way) 

And later I may even take a nap :) 

Happy Monday!