Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge day 14

Give your followers 15 tips to get thru life:

1. Smile. People should do this more, it does amazing things for your mood and others.

2. If it doesn't make you happy get rid of it. This can apply to many areas of life. Life's too short to be unhappy.

3. If its broken fix it. Chances are when its fixed you'll enjoy it again. This applies to objects and relationships.

4. Live a healthy life. Be active, and eat healthy. It will shape how you feel about yourself and others will notice.

5. Indulge a little but not too often.

6. Read. It's good for your mind, and will give you something to talk about.

7. Challenge yourself, and if you fail figure out why so you can learn how to succeed.

8. Cherish your family, really get to know them.

9. Be thoughtful and do things for other people that you want done for you. Think what do I want? And give it to someone else.

10. Learn to compromise and negotiate both are key for a lasting relationship.

11. Get over it. There's no point in holding grudges or remaining angry, say your piece and move on. Don't waste anymore time.

12. Make mistakes, but learn from them. It's how we grow. Let your children make mistakes too.

13. Enjoy your life, the grass is not greener. Accept and appreciate what you have, anything more you gain is just a bonus :)

14. Be frugal. aka cheap. Avoid overpaying for anything and avoid consumer debt. There is always a cheaper way.

15. Go outside. Enjoy nature and the fresh air, teach your children to enjoy it too we waste too much time indoors nowadays.


Maria said...

i love this!
i couldn't agree more with the smiling. my friend and i were just talking about how people need to stop being so rude and miserable. how much does it take to smile, ya know?! :)

compromise is such a big one. i love all of your advice!
thank you so much for sharing, beautiful mama.


Sarah Barah said...

Really enjoyed this post...and I agree 100% :)