Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Happy Tuesday almost Wednesday :)

So I decided to take a break for a couple of days, the challenge topics for the weekend were not of any interest to me so I thought instead of blogging about something I wasn't into I would just skip it. Plus after almost a month straight of blogging I needed a break :)

Nothing too exciting happened this weekend, it was busy but more so for hubby than me. We did go out for a nice breakfast on Saturday and MV and I accompanied hubby on a side job he was doing in a cousins rental on Sunday.

I'm trying to get MV comfortable with being out for longer periods, we have a reunion in August and unless he accepts a bottle by then he will be out of his element for two long days ... fun for me I'm sure :s

Speaking of MV he is officially four months as of today :) I've noticed/heard of other people going by number of weeks when they track months but we go by the actual date. He was born on the 26th therefore every month on the 26th he is a month older right? I do know a couple other people who do it this way too.

I will post his four month post tomorrow once I get a chance to weigh him :)

I can't believe it is almost July, I'm not sure if the nursery will be done in time for me to join the linky party I really hope I can track down a few final pieces I'm looking for.

I have a few house projects I really want to tackle in July, specifically before the 21st. That's the day of MV's baptism and unless someone else offers their home we will be inviting people back to our place for a BBQ lunch and cake.

Oh we got a Dollar Tree store here in town now. I'm told this is an American store new to Canada. We have our Dollarama but lately the prices there have been creeping higher and higher I did go check out the Dollar Tree tho and I am a little disappointed. I see all these blogs talking about awesome stuff they've bought there but I didn't see anything like any of it. I'm hoping it's because they are new and better stock will come later.

I'd better go write my challenge posts now so I can head off to bed. I'm sure MV will wake soon looking for some boob lol

1 comment:

Maria said...

ahhh, we have dollar trees everywhere. they are hit or miss. they have an awesome one near one of the offices i clean. they're good for cheap-o hpts. lol
happy four months to your sweet little man!! <3
i hope that you had a wonderful day and night, v!