Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge day 28

How do you do your laundry?:

I have no secrets when it comes to laundry.

I buy my detergent at the store, we use purex for me and hubby and baby purex for MV.
I don't trust homemade detergent especially with hubby's construction clothes.
I wish I had a clothes line but hubby and I don't see eye to eye on that one.
I wash everything in cold water.
I mix whites and colours.
I use lest oil for stain removal/prevention it has not failed me yet. Hubby's aunt showed it to me.
I occasionally use oxyclean on sheets and whites.
I have a bottle of bleach but I'm scared to use it.

I do a lot of laundry each week.
2-3 loads for MV
1-2 loads for me
2 loads for hubby ( 1 reg, 1 work gear)
1 load of sheets/blankets
1 load of towels

If you have any tips I'd love to hear them :)


Unknown said...

I do laundry...well....let me rephrase that. I wash the laundry but who knew that 2 kids could create such a plethora of clothes?! It gets washed and put away slooooooooowly! And typically by the time I get it put up it is time to wash clothes again. For shame! lol

Maria said...

i mix whites and colors too and use cold water only! :) i have been a laundry maniac the past month...trying my best to keep up on it. there are steve's work clothes. and my work clothes. the towels. the sheets/blankets. and then tons of knit and cotton stuff.
it's weird, sometimes i find doing laundry therapeutic. lol

Britt said...

Oooh I've heard that if you put white vinegar in with your laundry it helps keep the colors from fading. I haven't tried it yet since we also wash everything in cold water... it's cheaper that way :)