Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge day 12

*MV has been teething so I've been mia for a bit so today I will catch up*

Worst injury you've had and how it happened:

I've been pretty lucky when it comes to injuries, I am probably the biggest klutz I know. I'm the type of person who walks into walls :s

I've only really had two injuries that could even be considered worst, everything else has been bumps, sprains and bruises.

In grade nine gym class I was walking on a balance beam and following the teachers direction I jumped attempting to land gracefully on the beam. Not so much. When I landed I landed heels first causing them to slide off the beam in opposite directions, I then stuck my hands out to catch myself causing my wrists to absorb most of the impact before slamming my bottom onto the beam. Not only did I sprain both wrists but I also fractured my tailbone. I could not sit normally for almost two years when my hips had finally widened enough to relieve the pressure (side note: after giving birth my tailbone hurt again for three weeks as my hips moved)

Fast forward to grade twelve. While playing defense on a rainy day for our school soccer team, I slid on the wet grass landing in a seated position with the ball between my legs. The team we were playing had a reputation for being unnecessarily aggressive, and three of their players started kicking at me/the ball. I couldn't see who was who but there were feet kicking at my legs and knees, while someone stood on one of my legs and stomped my ankle. Eventually my teammates caught up to us and a brawl erupted but by then I was already curled over trying not to cry from the pain. My ankle was very badly bruised and sprained and my growth plates were broken - because of this my one leg is approximately an inch longer than the other. It's not noticeable but does affect my center of gravity and muscles to be uneven strengths in my hips and back.

Aside from these two injuries I've been lucky, now watch I'm going to go break something now that I've wrote about this ;)

1 comment:

Maria said...

ouch!! awww, i'm so sorry to hear about your injuries. the balance beam one sounds horrible with two hurt wrists AND tailbone!
i'm glad you're okay!
ughh, i'm a klutz-o. steve is constantly shaking his head at me.

speaking of...on tuesday, i decided it'd be a smart idea to iron topless and skidded the iron right across my stomach in the process. :/ at least it wasn't my boob! lol now i have a big red gash that i pray goes away.
