Friday, November 23, 2012

I want a ball pitt, and trucks, and....

Today we braved the mall and took MV to see Santa for the first time :) I was soo nervous that MV would cry and we would shamefully be getting our money back after a failed attempt at a picture but all went well! No smiles but no crying or trying to escape from Santa's lap either.
And afterwards in the grocery store MV was smiling and pointing at the giant mug shots of Santa that were hanging from the ceiling :).

On a side note, I don't know how people do the black Friday shopping in the states, our mall was crazy packed today and I couldn't stand it. Most the stores around town and in the mall had sales to try and keep people shopping here instead of hoping the border. We actually got a great deal on a giant baby gate (one gate down only one more to go!) :)


Britt said...

That is a great picture! Abi is going through some separation anxiety/stranger anxiety at the moment so I know we will have a screaming fit when we go see santa...

V said...

We are having major separation and stranger anxiety here too that's why I was so sure he would freak but he surprised me. I stood by the camera so he could see me, I think he was probably too scared to move but not scared enough to cry ;)

Anonymous said...

What an adorable pic!! I am your newest follower and am hoping that you will follow me back!


Maria said...

Such a sweet photo!! Love his sweater! I was out on Black Friday but not until later afternoon. We chose the quieter mall and shopping area near us...I'm with you...the crazy crowds are obnoxious. Hope you're enjoying your weekend! Xoxo