Sunday, November 4, 2012

Just do what works

Yesterday MV and I went to Ottawa to visit my moms family. Hubby has been sick so we hitched a ride with my brother who was driving home from Toronto, we just had him pick us up on his way.

We don't visit too often as it makes for a long day since we always drive there and back in the same day. Most visits we spend more time traveling than visiting.

Yesterday we actually were there for a nice long stretch of time. MV was fairly well behaved, slightly tired and fussy. There were bucket loads of drool coming out of his mouth, quite obvious he was teething.

Despite this I attempted to feed him solids (he doesn't like to eat when his teeth hurt). We happened to be sitting beside my youngest uncle and his wife (my uncle is only six years older than me and his wife only two), they have two young children aged three and two so we were discussing child related things. I was mentioning MV's general disliking for eating solids and told them I feed him most successfully while he is in his exersaucer and said that I don't really know if that's the right thing to do.

Their response was the best and most simple piece of advice or encouragement I have received yet.

"there is no right thing, just do what works"

It was sincere, and empathetic and just the reassurance I needed.


KC said...

I totally agree, I find the more flexible you are the easier parenting is. My hubby wants everything the way it "should" be and he jus frustrates the kids and me. We have the same problem one of our kids hates the highchair at night. We moved dinner time to 4:30 pm (they go to bed by 6:00pm) and sometimes he tolerates it. We also put Cheerios on his tray to distract him. He drops more than he eats but it seems to make him happy. On the rare occasion, when hubby isn't hubby, I have even fed him in the bath. I keep telling hubby we can't spoil them or feel like we are giving in when they don't even have the cognitive ability to know it could be a manipulation. of course people will say you don't want to start bad habits but eating is so important that we don't really ave a choice. You are doing a great job!

V said...

Thanks for the encouragement :)
I fin whenever I talk to people about the choices I'm making with MV I'm constantly getting answers like "oh no you don't want to do that" or " If you don't do this then X will happen.."
Maybe people think that's helpful but honestly I just find it annoying and discouraging.

We know our children and if we know something works then people shouldn't judge us.

Keep up the good work Mama! I admire your ability to keep up with two!

Anonymous said...

yeah I have a 2 yr old and a 3 month old and i have learned to just do what works and also to pick your battles.
I noticed that you said Toronto. I am in Bowmanville if you know where that is.
Poor little guy. Teething sucks.

Maria said...

I love it!! My friend always says something similar with her three different they were with some things and how similar they were with others...and it made her realize to try and go with the flow. Great advice from your uncle and his wife! You're an awesome mama, V!!