Friday, February 8, 2013

Organzing My Life

Becoming a mother has created this urgency in me to have things organized.
Give me a plan, a list, a couple pens and some highlighters and I will be happy as a clam (I never really understood that saying).

The problem with all of this is my lack of motivation. I am a HUGE procrastinator. Always have been, my mother used to give me crap for this all the time, and now I drive my husband crazy with it as well.

Another problem we have is my husband does not like change. Most of my ideas for organizing our house involve change... its a slow and long process between the two of us!

2013 is the year I am going to do this. It has been one of my "resolutions"; to get this house in order, to get my life in order. Gone are the carefree timeless days, I have not even returned to work yet and I already have trouble coordinating the few things we do.

So. How am I going to do this... ? Well I have already taken on a few small projects;

I went and bought plastic shoebox sized bins and have organized under the bathroom sink. Its not the cutest set up but everything has its place and it is in a sealed container.. these days that is a must. I have no pictures of this apparently.

I tackled the front closet. That was one mess that was driving us both crazy! Hubby had pretty much taken it over for himself, he had 8 different types of jackets in there plus all his other work clothes (including his smelly work boots) and there was no order to any of the shoes or misc items on the top shelf. I went upstairs and found one of those hanging closet cubby shelves and made that the home for all mits, hats, and scarves. On the opposite side is a shoe hanger holding my flip flops and the shoe rack has been moved up to the top shelf. The pet food is still hanging out in there we don't seem to have anywhere else to put it.

I have a few other rooms that are started (of course), I have been working away until I am stumped and waiting for inspiration. The kitchen, spare room, basement storage and bedrooms are all waiting for some brilliant solution.

One major area I need to get organized is our schedules, bills and random paperwork. I have been saving free printables for quite some time now on my pinterest, if you use it I'm sure you've seen all the posts about creating a "Home Management" binder, or "Family Binder" or whatever other names there are out there for them. Once again procrastination as well as my ocd tendencies have made this a project that never quite gets finished. Until now that is. It is still not perfect, but it is started and completed to a point that I can use it. I am not sure if the style of the pages is something that will work for me, and it does drive me a little crazy that my print outs are not all from the same source and do not match. But for now it will serve its purpose and I can adjust and create my own pages as I need to. February will be my first month of actually trying to use it so fingers crossed this works out.

If you are like me and need to get things in order you should check out some of these blogs. I also will include links to some of the print sheets I have used in my binder. If you have any links to share please do :) I am always looking for new organization and other creative ideas!

Inspiration and Printables

Home School Creations  has a really cute blog planner
Erin Rippy of  designed these super cute fully customizable pages  found here
Clean Mama  has tons of great ideas and free printables
Org Junkie has tons of great resources
IHeart Organzing has a few printables plus great ideas
Ginny at Organizing Homelife  is frequently offering new printables

There that's not even all the blogs I get inspiration from but they are the ones I frequent the most. Again send me any suggestions to check out :)

1 comment:

Maria said...

thanks so much for including these links! i have been in such an organzing/cleaning/nesting mood. it feels SO good to get everything in order. your closet looks awesome!! i agree with you - that becoming a mother really motivates and inspires you to get organized! i hope you have a wonderful, snowy weekend. stay warm! xoxox