Wednesday, February 6, 2013

If not now, when?

Have I told you about my love for Incubus?

Right now I am alternating between listening to them and watching and listening to informative clips about a potential employer opportunity. During the last interview clip the answer to one of the questions was "if not now, when?" Not only is this the title of an Incubus song but its also a phrase that made perfect sense to things I've been thinking about for a while now. Confused yet? Ya me too that's why I'm trying to think things thru.

An obvious choice for me is to returning to nursing at the end of the month. My last maternity cheque is on MV's birthday and after that I will need a source of income... But I have had some ideas for a while now.. And I'm not so sure I want to do that anymore, or at least not full time. I'm nervous and scared of change and taking the chance on a new "adventure" ... But "if not now, when?" Right?
More on all this later...
Thanks for "listening" to me ramble ;)


Unknown said...

Can't wait to hear more! I too may be making some changes in the career I'm pursuing. I keep going back and forth. Counseling, lactation consultant, counseling, lactation consultant. I wish trying to choose a career that would be more versatile (counseling), but I think in the end having a career that I am passionate about and I know will make me happy is more important. So, hopefully I can pursue being a lactation consultant once I get my B.A.

Maria said...

wishing you lots of luck in your decisions, v!! i'll be thinking about you. <3<3<3