Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On the move

So with all my slacking with blog posts I missed out on telling you MV is offically crawling!
Life has been.... busy lol

A couple days after he turned 7 months he realized he could roll everywhere so he did that for about a week. His crawling started around Thanksgiving, first it was a mix of crawling and bum scooting and after two or three days turned into crazy fast crawling.

I have barely sat down since.

Oh and we still don't have baby gates and have two sets of stairs off our main floor...

I also still need to do an offical baby proofing.

Our cats and dog are not the biggest fans of MV lately... it could have something to do with the fact he chases them around and jumps on them and/or pulls their fur :s


Maria said...

awww a lil' crawler!! i lol at picturing him chasing the cats and dog and pulling their fur. our cats have no idea what's in store for them! ;)
hope you're having a great week. <3

KC said...

Isn't it crazy! We haven't got safety gates yet either, I was in denial that it would happen so soon!