Monday, October 22, 2012

7 Months

The problem with taking pictures with my good camera and not my phone is I have to upload them onto the computer to see and use them... so not that I'm making excuses but this post is pretty late because of that ;)

On September 26th MV turned 7 Months!!

17.5 lbs

28.5 inches

Hair and Eyes
Hair - it's getting thicker! Still fairly light, sometimes it looks a little strawberry blonde, other times its a more dirty blonde.
Eyes - Big and blue. Old ladies (and everyone else) love his eyes. lol

Clothing Size
onesies and shirts - if they are short sleeve then he can still fit in most 3-6 shirts
sleepers - 9 months
pants - 6-9 months, but the waists are too lose

size 3 still :)
Oh and we finally had to buy diapers. 7 Months worth from a baby shower is pretty good :)

Sleep... I wish I could say great things but really its hit and miss. Just when I think he's sleeping well something happens and its back to waking every 2 hours.
Sleeping arrangements have been changing, MV has been sleeping the first half of the night in his room in his crib. At around 2am when he wakes for his feeding he falls back asleep in our bed and stays there until morning.

Still breast feeding every 3 hours approximately. Foods are being introduced around every 5 days. He is not much for pureed foods so we've been doing a combo of purees and regular foods. So far he has eaten banana (which he may be allergic too), avocado, green beans, sweet potato, squash, and peaches. Peaches were a big hit mixed with his cereal.

New Developments
- 4 teeth this month!! two top and two bottom chompers! three of them all came in less than 7 days... that was... fun... torture.
- favourite toys include his taggie blanket, and our cell phones
- he finally rolled from front to back!
- he now reaches up with his arms when he wants to be held
- pulls up onto his knees, so we dropped the crib down to avoid any issues.
- finally after lots of encouragement will finally take a soother. this has made life soo much easier! when he does wake I just pop that soother in his mouth and he usually falls back asleep.
- loves being tickled, thighs are extra fun


Maria said...

Happy 7+ months to MV!! My mom and I were just talking about super cute babies last night and I pulled up the photos of your little man...he is beautiful and I can tell he is full of personality and happiness!!
I hope your week is off to a great start!! Thinking of you!

KC said...

Holy cow he is adorable. Those eyes are gorgeous. My boys both have blue eyes and I love it (his dad and I have brown so we think it is extra cool). Sounds like a busy month (very similar to ours). For a second there I thought he was born on the boys original due date (until I saw that this post was post I love seeing what he is up to because it gives me a little glimpse into the near future for us. It feels like whenever you post something our boys are just a few weeks behind. It is nice because I can prepare myself for what is to come (the boys were born 5 weeks early so MV is just about a month older with adjusted age). I can't wait for my boys to put their arms out to me. They crawl up to my legs now wanting to be picked up so it might be soon.
Anyways, I love the pictures. I wish you lived closer because I think it would be great to get the boys together. I have a very good friend in Kingston so the next time I am down visiting with the boys I will send you a message. She also has a little boy and a nephew a bit older than our boys.
Take care!

Unknown said...

ADORABLE!!! And I definitely know what you mean about the sleep thing. Landon will do great for a couple of nights and then does horrible. But babies eventually get it, just some sooner than others. :-)

V said...

Thank you! <3 I hope you are feeling good these days! <3

V said...

Thank you :) it has been busy lately for us lol but I am almost ready to post his 8 month post on time this week! Haha
You should def let me know when you visit your friend next! I sent you an email a while back.. Did you get it? Now that I think of it I'm not sure you'll see this? lol

V said...

I can't wait for a full nights sleep! lol

Britt said...

You always catch such amazing pictures of your handsome little man! You are one amazing photographer and of course props to MV for being such an adorable model. Abi just turned 7 months today and we have been fighting croup so the awesome sleeper I used to have is no more. Hopefully we will be able to sleep soon..

V said...

Thank you that's so kind of you :)
I hope poor Abi is feeling better soon! Poor girl :(

KC said...

I got your email and responded, or at least I thought I