Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MIL rant

I always felt very fortunate to be able to say I liked my mother in law, and that we got along great.
Mind you she does live 4 hours away and I only see her for a couple hours at a time, a couple times a year.

Then I had MV....

I still "like" her... But almost everything she does bothers me now.

She is obsessed with my baby. Not just proud grandma but obsessed. Even my brother in law thinks so (he lived with her until a month ago).

In my head I often finds self screaming "HE'S MY BABY! NOT YOURS!!"

She comments that I spoil him because I chose to comfort him when he cries as opposed to letting the kid turn bright cherry red and scream his lungs out.

She insists on comparing him to her family only. Neither myself or my family exist. If he didn't get it from hubby he got it from her...

Which leads me to this.

He looks nothing like her but yet she keeps doing this with photos she's "stolen" from me.

I could go on about everything that bothers me but these pictures really tick me off


Unknown said...

the topic of MIL is very sensitive in our family. Mine is the least involved MIL I have ever met. She lives 30 mins away and we haven't seen her in 2 months. Okay....I'm stopping that rant right there because it could go on forever. But, I completely understand where you are coming from.

PS. I have always thought that MV looks so much like you. Every time I look at his sweet face all I can see is pieces of you. :)

PPS. Keep smiling, sweetie. Nothing she can say or do will ever take away the pure joy that MV can bring you. :)

Accidentally Me said...

My MIL is just about my favorite person in the world...and I rely on her enormously for all kinds of stuff. I loved her from the day I met her, but I have an entirely new appreciation for her since I had the girls. I can't even imagine not getting along with her...heck, I have given her the blog name Saint Mother in Law!!!

KC said...

I can totally relate. Mine was great until we had kids, now she seems to have lost her mind. I keep telling her that we see her so rarely that I can put up with anything, but she still annoys the sh*t out of me. My sister and mother say this is par for the course and get used to it. I know I will adapt and at least hubby agrees that she has lost her marbles. MIL latest is she is addicted to reposting and then sharing my photos on facebook. Then she emails and calls me to see if I saw "her" new pictures of the boys. She hasn't seen them in 2 months and doesn't own a camera so I know she doesn't have new pictures, plus they are the pictures I have already posted so why do I need to check them out.
Sorry you are going through this, I hate when anyone tells me what to do with the boys. My MIL says similar things. She tried to convince we to have them sleep on a bunk bed that had a tiny side railing (it didn't span the entire bed)......ridiculous. She is always telling me I should just let the babies cry. I seriously want a t-shirt says "not interested in advice".

KC said...

I meant I keep telling myself

KC said...

Clearly I am tired because none of that makes

V said...

Thank you Rian :) it's nice to know others see similarities as well.
I know he's lucky to have her involved so I would nvr even say anything to hubby... She's just so frustrating st times

V said...

Your so lucky! It's hit and miss with my MIL, and I do like her and appreciate her but sometimes I feel like she's crossing some sort of boundarys with things

V said...

I remember you posting about your MIL... I think it will be interesting to see how mine is when MVs not the only grandchild I could see the potential for a situation like yours :(

I'm ok with advice from people if advice is needed... But criticizing my parenting style is another thing.

Maria said...

ohhhh, the mil topic. i could write a book. i seriously could...steve and i should have started a reality show years ago. sometime, i will have to fill u in on all the insane BS she has pulled. she hasn't been in my life for almost two yrs. hahaha, see, i am already all fired up - steve and i were just talking about her and how pure evil she is. you can't begin to imagine the things she has said and done to us (me). i am sorry that your mil is pulling what she is now that mv is here - it is something i could so see if mil was in our life. and to not mention your family at all and only her - ohhh, that grinds my gears. lol
you ARE the mama!!
big hugs!!!
maria <3