Saturday, September 15, 2012

Beaver tail Fail

Have you ever had a beavertail?
No? Me either.
Yes? Did you love it? Everyone says they loved it.

Do they have Beavertails in the states? I guess if they don't then most of my followers don't even have a clue what I'm talking about. In case your even daring to think I'm talking about that fuzzy flat tailed creature your wrong.

That would be gross.


I'm talking about pastry. Look it up, apparently they are delicious. I wouldn't know because I've never had one, I had planned on it today but the jerks weren't open like they said they were going to be.

They come in many flavors.
Growing up someone told me they were real deep fried beaver tails... I was gullible ... I believed it and so I've never had one. Even tho I've known for a long ti,e it's just pastry I've always been grossed out lol.

So the beaver tail people (whoever they are that sell them) travel around and set up shop short term. Right now they are set up downtown at the Fall Fair.
You pay $7 to get into the fair because they are crooks, which I paid only to find out the beaver tail people were closed! WTH!
Not impressed.

So since we had already paid and were already there, MV and I decided to cruise the fair, see the animals and play some games. We would have gone on a few rides too if we had someone else with us to take pictures.
I may just have to convince hubby to take us again this weekend.

MV played 2 games.

The first was a duck pond game where you just grab and duck and the number written on the bottom determined the size of your prize. We were just watching the ducks go buy when the attendant offered to cause a duck jam so MV could grab one. It was real sweet of her so I agreed and he won a tiny toy (I'm sure 95% of them had that size on them).

Next stop was a fishing game. I had to hold the pole for him but he grabbed ahold too so I had the attendant take a picture. Again we got a tiny toy.

MV was in good spirits despite his poor teeth :( number 3 has cut the gums and number 4 is expected any minute.

So what do I do when I'm feeling crappy? Why have a bubble bath of course!
MV has been introduced to the bubble bath and loves it! No toys needed!

Hope every has a good weekend!


Unknown said...

beaver tail?! Interesting, never heard of them but they look good! And MV is so cute covered in bubbles! :)

V said...

Apparently they are delicious! I really want one!

Maria said...

mv doesn't ever take one bad photo - he is a supermodel! :)
that bath photo - ohmygoodness! what a fun time at the fair - i remember that ducky game!
and i didn't know what you were talking about with the beaver tails. lol but omygosh, they look so good!!!
i hope you, s and mv are enjoying the end of september!

Anonymous said...

Beaver tails are amazing!!! I recommend the one with apples and cinnamon. You can get them at the Toronto Zoo.

V said...

I didn't realize they were there! Makes me even more sad we didn't go this summer lol