Monday, April 9, 2012

1 Month

So this post is two weeks late, but better late than never. I had most of this post started just never finished or posted it. I'm still posting it because I want to have a record of these things.

9 pounds 5 ounces! My little man is quickly becoming not so little! What a chunky monkey!

I didn't write this one down but I do know he is in the 75th percentile for height.

The hair on the top of his head has fallen out, but the rest is a medium brown. Eyes are still blue; they are a dark navy blue around the edges with a light blue ring in the middle.

Clothing Size:
We are transitioning out of newborn clothing, he still fits into nb pants and a couple sleepers but we are mostly into size 0-3 sleepers

We are onto size 1s but only because I didn't want to buy another pack of newborns and not use them all. We could still squeeze into the nb for a little while longer. No real preference of brands yet, I do find huggies fit a bit smaller.

Night sleeping has been good, most of the time he is sleeping 3 hour stretches. I'm hoping this stretch continues to grow. He started out sleeping in a wicker bassinet that was on our bed between hubby and I (king sized bed), but we bought a stand a week ago and now he sleeps in it but right beside the bed. The plan is to have him sleeping in his own room sometime after 3 months.

New Developments:
We've been having more smiles, a couple have even been while he was awake lol. Eye sight is improving and he follows objects at times also he shows signs of recognizing faces and voices.

We are exclusively breastfeeding at this point. I have purchased a pump and have pumped and attempted to bottle feed but it's not something he does easily. We plan on improving that so that hubby can become involved more. I want to avoid formula as long as possible. I'm feeding on demand which between the hours of 8am and 7pm is usually every 2-3 hours, evenings are more frequent as we've been cluster feeding in hopes of making nights easier. I'm not sure if it's helped.

I'm 95% certain that MV has colic. He gets so gassy and it's obvious hes in pain it breaks my heart. Some days he's fine so it seems to come and go. he's also a bit of a puker, so bibs are a must.

1 comment:

Accidentally Me said...

It seems like he is sleeping a little better, and you are maybe a little bit more well rested...hopefully that continues!!!

One of my girls had some pretty bad acid reflux that made feeding painful for her...I think that is pretty common, and could be some of what is bothering him. That is a lot of what falls under the broader "colic" heading. If so, he will grow out of it:-)