Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween! Join the Teal Pumpkin Project!

Halloween is here! A night full of ghosts and ghouls and candy and fun! 

I hope every one has a safe and happy Halloween. And speaking of safe, have you heard about the teal pumpkin project? It seems to be getting a lot of news coverage as well showing up all over Facebook and Pinterest. 

If your wondering what it is I'll break it down for you. 

Paint one of your pumpkins teal and have it visible to trick or treaters to symbolize allergy awareness and that you have non candy treats available. It's fairly simple. All you need to do is run out to the dollar store and grab some knick knacks like pencils, stickers, glowsticks, spider rings, playdoh etc. you don't have to spend much but as a mother of an allergy kid I can tell you it means a lot to have these things available. 

Luckily for us this year Ty is too young to understand all the candy that's there. He won't really miss out on anything. But next year, next year will be interesting. Since we only go see a few of the neighbors I can easily make up treat bags and hand them out in advance, but I fully plan on plastering my neighborhood with teal pumpkin signs the whole month of October. I've been spamming my Facebook friends all month ;) because let's face it allergies are on the rise and Ty is not the only kid out there so if me spreading awareness helps make another kids night more enjoyable then mission complete. 

I remember how growing up each Halloween night when we got home my brother and I would dump all our candy on the floor and separate out all the choclate. Every year my brother would be in tears as my mother had to take all his choclate away and trade with me for things he could eat. Sure he got candy in exchange but he was so upset everytime. I really don't want to have to do that. It had to be heartbreaking for her as well. 

Teal pumpkin project can help avoid that. Allergy kids deserve to trick or treat the same as the rest of them. 

That's it. That's all. Just doing my bit to help spread awareness :) now it's time for a nap in preparation for tonight! 

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