Wednesday, February 8, 2012

35 weeks recap so far

So I'm not sure where my original recap went... But here is a recap of my recap ;) I hope I didn't forget anything that was in the original

As I am retyping this I am currently 36 weeks 2days;
however nothing has changed since the original post that somehow disappeared.

Weight gain?
my weight has climbed to massive numbers on the scale but I am choosing not to worry since I remain all belly with the exception on the crazy swelling from my knees down and my hands. Total gain at 35 weeks - 51 pounds!

Stretch marks?
Still none on my belly despite how massive it is, that tiny one on my hip from my 2nd tri recap became multiple small ones (on both hips) pretty much the morning after posting that. I also discovered that each thigh has a cluster where it connects to my butt. This might sound funny but I've always IMO had a fairly nice ass...I'd gladly relocate those stretch marks elsewhere if it was an option lol

I have had the occasional random craving after seeing a food commercial, or smelling something delicious but nothing requiring hubby to drive out in the middle of the night. I might be going to easy on him ;) I do have some favourite can't do without foods tho. Gravy is still a big love, hubby's pointed out that pasta of any sort has become my go to meal (this could be for convenience) and anything peanut butter flavor including cereal. Oh don't forget cereal in general. LoL now I don't count these faves as "cravings" because I don't literally crave them, I just seem to chose them regularly.

Baby boy is running out of room! His movements have more of a schedule now and there is a lot (and I mean a lot) of rolling going on. It feels so weird. Any kicks or punches tend to have more of a slide sensation than jab, unless they connect with my hip or rib (ouch)

Still a boy we hope lol, after that last 3D peek I'd be super shocked if we ended up with a baby girl!

Sleep has been inconsistent for a long time. It consists or short 2-3hour naps waking to either reposition or pee. Comfort is really becoming a factor at night now, and the "get your sleep now" comments from friends, families and strangers are getting really annoying!

Still pretty good. I have my days where I am slightly irritable, or tear up easily but most days are good :)

As mentioned in weight gain I have massive amounts of swelling. My hands swell so much it sometimes can be difficult to bend my fingers. Legs ankles and feet are getting larger by the day, and sometimes painful or itchy. I think if you poked me with a pin I might spring a leak. There is no better time of day anymore I am just swollen. Oh and the verdicts out on my face, some recent pics make me think it's starting to swell now too.

Other mentionable things?
- I had my baby showers (one per family) on the 5th and 6th. We got a TON of clothes, a shopping trip is in order for a few must have items still but we should be fine if babe decides to come early.
- speaking of early, at my OB appointment Feb3rd it was determined I had lost my mucus plug and was dilating (2cm at that time). My uterus was also measuring ahead and I'd had the occasional contractions as my body "preps itself" Dr thinks we may have a February baby, but did say I could stall in progress and go late.
- My stomach has dropped. Babes head has been in position for a few weeks but now it shows.
- Depending how he is positioned I have sciatic nerve pain. Not fun.
- my last day of work was Feb 3rd :D I am now on "sick leave" while I wait to start my mat leave.

I think that was all with a few details I had left out, I will leave you again with the same pictures. Clothed belly is 35weeks exactly, and bare belly is 3 days later when I noticed he'd dropped.

1 comment:

Accidentally Me said...

Oh my goodness!!! Look at that belly!!!

Looks and sounds like maybe you are ready to meet the little guy sooner rather than later:-) Good luck!

Do you have names yet?