Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Resolutions & Goals

So we are a few days into the new year, I hope it's off to a good start for everyone.
We are still wrapping up the remaining tasks of 2011 (getting the car repaired etc), but so far no new catastrophes have occured. Hopefully this year will bring only good things and maybe even be the best one yet :)

I am always hesitant to make a resolution, I feel people including myself pick grand ideas that lose steam weeks or months in. So this year I decided I would pick more specific smaller short term goals, more realistic and easier to achieve.

My goals for the year include the following:

1. Be more organized in every aspect of my life. For this I plan on starting with a routine and expanding my organization into my home environment. Between Pinterest and the organization blogs I read I have plenty of small ideas for this. Even if I only accomplish 1 or 2 of these projects I will be more organized than when I started making this goal met :)

2. Take more pictures. I used to be just like my friend Maria and take pictures of EVERYTHING. It probably was annoying at times lol, my camera was always on hand and every moment captured. This past year was exhausting mentally for me and I lost that desire to take pictures. 2011 was probably the all time low for picture taking for me ever. So to help me get back into the swing of things I am going to do one of the 52 week projects. I've only found this one to link up with so far but if I find more I'll link to them also. I figure once a week is small enough to not be overwhelming, I may take more pictures but only post once a week.

3. Cut out fast food. Here is it, this is my over ambitious goal that I always fail. So I'm going to take it a month at a time and cut out fast food for the rest of January. I could have said all of Jan except I ate at McDonalds yesterday lol.

4. Be a better wife.  Where this goal comes from is from my reflections of the past year, our first year of marriage, the stressors we've encountered, and the craziness of life. Like any couple we've had rough patches over our 8 1/2 years together, and I recognize this baby is going to change the dynamic of our lives even more. I don't want to be one of those married couples that put all their focus on the baby and forget each other. So I'm planning my valentines gift already and it's a gift that lasts all year, in addition to that I am making a better effort to think 2 steps ahead of him and do some of those little things we take for granted. All simple enough but those little things matter.

5. Knock a few things off my 35 before 35 list. How perfect is it I already have a list of mini goals to include in my new years list ;)

6. Take time for me to be me. Life is crazy and stressful and overwhelming at times. I struggle to find the time to do things I "want" to do rather than "need" to do. So I'm highly considering taking designated Me time. I'm not sure how often yet, and maybe creating a routine (goal #1) will help find the time.

7. Be a better sister and friend. This one always has room for improvement. No specific ideas on how to start this yet but again with being a better wife it's the little things that matter.

 I'm sure I could think up even more goals for the year but I'll start with these and see how far I get ;)

Good luck to everyone with all their goals and resolutions!


Amarie said...

For some reason, I just didn't feel like making any resolutions this year. It's almost as if one year has just seamlessly blended into the other, and nothing has changed. I've usually got a list a mile long, but not this year. I don't know if that's good or bad. Usually, when I make resolutions, maybe one or two get accomplished. So maybe avoiding the list is a good thing for me this year. That was depressing, I know! Sorry!:)

Maria said...

i'm so with you on not making huge resolutions. i think it's wonderful to take time and work on small goals. and not set time frames. i love what you said about allowing yourself time to be you. isn't it so important?! to just say, hey, this is how i feel at the moment, and dammit, i'm gonna feel it. you go girl!!
i would LOVE to see all your photos :) you're so sweet to mention me. post em' on up girlfriend!!
i hope january has been good to you!!
thank you so very much for your thoughts and words on my last post. it means a lot, v!! i really appreciate them <3

have a happy tuesday <3

Maria said...

hey v!!
just was thinking about you! i hope you're doing well and january is treating you well!
lots of love <3