Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Holy Baby

I love the belly cuddles that have been happening around here. Mav loves his baby sibling so much it's freaking adorable. Melts my heart to pieces. I can only hope he feels the same when the baby is no long in my belly! 

Seeing as how I am almost 34 weeks now a baby update is over due. So how have things been going? ... Well let me tell you but before I do I want to say that I am forever greatful for this growing baby inside of me, I have dealt with loss and know many friends and family who face their own fertility challenges. I by no means take any if this for granted. 

But I am miserable. I remember with Mav being so excited and wanting him to be born purely on the fact I wanted a baby. I desperately want this kid out too but it is because I no longer want to be pregnant anymore. 

I am hormonal aka a crazy bitch so watch out. 

And the daily and almost constant discomfort and pain... Physically I'm not sure how much more my body can take. My belly is much larger this time, my uterus has been measuring 4 weeks ahead for some time now. It's heavy, and the weight and pressure are making my back, hips, everywhere hurt. 

There is a good chance that my dates could be off so I have been cautiously preparing for the potential of baby coming earlier.

At least I am not as swollen as last time. I only recently (32 weeks) had to take off my rings, and my feet still look like they belong to me most days. My face however is starting to look a tad bit puffy, not sure yet if its fatness or swelling. 

Overall my weight gain has been much slower too. I think I am still under 30lbs gained. I haven't paid too much attention since its been so less. At this point with Mav I had gained over 60lbs... Again there was a lot of swelling... And my ass was fat. 

And since I've gained less and slower I've been lucky with stretch marks. I do have a new one starting on the right side of my belly (my first belly mark)  and the old ones on my hips have remained fairly light. So bonus there. 

I am so exhausted. It's probably a combination of my low hemoglobin and having a toddler at home. I went into l&d a few weeks ago to get checked as I was having dizzy spells and feeling "not right" since then I've starred increasing my iron intake which helps a bit. There are some days where just walking makes the muscles in my legs feel like giving out. 

The poor sleep I am sure plays a part too. I toss and turn a lot. And when I'm not repositioning and looking for a comfortable spot I'm up having to pee (again) for the hundredth time. I seriously don't remember being this affected with Mav, at least not until later on. 

Braxton hicks (I assume that's what it is) are constant. All day and sometimes lasting up to an hour each. Sometimes it's so tight that its actually painful. 

I'm not sure how much long I will be able to work. Sitting down causes my body to fold on itself in ways that cause more pain. 

I did my 2 hour glucose test and thankfully do not need diabetic meds, or further monitoring. I still need to be cautious and mindful of my diet but the doctor is not concerned right now. Win for me, hello chocolate. 

I had another ultrasound around 32 weeks to determine the location of my placenta and check baby's positioning and size. 

Estimated weight was 4lbs10oz (and I fully understand that's not reliable) 
Babies head had moved down and center which was our hopes. We went from weeks and weeks of being transverse, to head down oblique (aka crooked side angle where the head was in my hip) to finally proper positioning. Hopefully babe stats that way and I get my vbac. my placenta is still low, but it has moved enough that the doctor is not concerned. 

This baby is very camera shy. Face pictures are practically impossible.
We still haven't told family the gender. The envelope was opened, but they don't know it yet. Part of me felt skepticle with trusting that piece of paper, with Mav we were shown a visual confirmation. All this was was a piece of paper telling me something I never got the chance to see. So when I went to the ultrasound a couple weeks ago I asked to see. 

But still even with confirmation my lips are sealed for now ;) 

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