Saturday, October 26, 2013

Packing my hospital bag - round 2

Well this past Tuesday we made a trip to labour and delivery as I was having some pretty intense "period type" cramping and contractions. I was hesitant to go because I have in general been more uncomfortable this time around but figured being as my due date was never officially changed baby is technically still preterm so off we went. 

Well we did come home "luckily" (i use the term loosely)  still pregnant, but boy did I hear it from hubby! My bag was not yet packed and the stress of the day got to him. So to make him feel better and knock another thing off my list I started packing. 

For some reason packing this time proved much more difficult. Last time I searched the Internet for lists and packed anything and everything that was suggested. This time I stared at my bag thinking why even bother lol. 

I'm sure I will add a few more things as time gets closer but here is what I've come up with so far: 

~For the baby~
2 sleepers
2 onesies 
1 sleep gown 
1 pair of socks 
2 hats
3 different soothers 
diaper wipes
*car seat is ready and waiting with a blanket and fleece snow suit 
* I am considering packing baby stuff in the diaper bag and adding a few items for Mav as well. 

Now I would like to mention our hospital provides diapers, Vaseline and dry wipes (which I hated). So no need for those. And the only reason I am entertaining the idea of dressing baby is because the weather is getting cooler and you never know what the room temp will be there. Otherwise I would only bring a going home outfit. 

~My personal items~ 
Nursing bra and pads
Flip flops 
2 pairs of socks (one plain and one fleece)
Yoga pants 
Zip up sweater 
t shirt 
2 piece button up pajama set (still looking for a set)

I am not bringing underwear because I plan on using the mesh ones the hospital provides. They also provide monster size pads so no need to bring those. 

~ Toiletries~ 
Bag #1 holds: 
Toothbrush and toothpaste 
Travel size shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, and face cleanser
Hair brush 
Eye mask for sleep 

Bag #2 is my make up bag should I feel the urge to beautify myself:
Make up brushes 
Lips gloss
Eye shadow

Bag # 3 probably the most useful bag:
lip chap
Hair elastics
Bobby pins 
Nail file and clippers
2 hair bands 

~ Misc items ~ 
Phone charger 
Video camera and charger 
Laptop and charger 
Snacks - still to be packed 
A good book - yet to be decided. 

I decided against bringing a camera for a couple reasons. One being that both of us have iPhones which tend to be our go to as well the video camera has the ability to take photos. So between those and other people's cameras I figure we are set. 

I don't think I really need much else. I didn't use most of what I packed last time so really trying to minimalize this time around. 

A few items I have listed have not yet made it into the bag since they are used quite regularly. 

Others that are still up for consideration include: 

Mini light - I may end up in a shared room and the bedside lights are so bright.
Notebook and pen - with Mav's birth I kept a log of progress etc. 
Deck of cards - for boredom 
Pillow and blanket- I can't remember if I brought one last time... But I do remember being cold at night. 
Hand sanitizer - I'm not big on using it to begin with but being in a germ infested hospital is making me consider. 

I think that's it! I may do a follow up post after the birth to compare this with what was actually brought a used. It still seems like a lot but looking at it all laid out is really not much. 

Alright so now onto the next task ;) 
Later friends.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Holy Baby

I love the belly cuddles that have been happening around here. Mav loves his baby sibling so much it's freaking adorable. Melts my heart to pieces. I can only hope he feels the same when the baby is no long in my belly! 

Seeing as how I am almost 34 weeks now a baby update is over due. So how have things been going? ... Well let me tell you but before I do I want to say that I am forever greatful for this growing baby inside of me, I have dealt with loss and know many friends and family who face their own fertility challenges. I by no means take any if this for granted. 

But I am miserable. I remember with Mav being so excited and wanting him to be born purely on the fact I wanted a baby. I desperately want this kid out too but it is because I no longer want to be pregnant anymore. 

I am hormonal aka a crazy bitch so watch out. 

And the daily and almost constant discomfort and pain... Physically I'm not sure how much more my body can take. My belly is much larger this time, my uterus has been measuring 4 weeks ahead for some time now. It's heavy, and the weight and pressure are making my back, hips, everywhere hurt. 

There is a good chance that my dates could be off so I have been cautiously preparing for the potential of baby coming earlier.

At least I am not as swollen as last time. I only recently (32 weeks) had to take off my rings, and my feet still look like they belong to me most days. My face however is starting to look a tad bit puffy, not sure yet if its fatness or swelling. 

Overall my weight gain has been much slower too. I think I am still under 30lbs gained. I haven't paid too much attention since its been so less. At this point with Mav I had gained over 60lbs... Again there was a lot of swelling... And my ass was fat. 

And since I've gained less and slower I've been lucky with stretch marks. I do have a new one starting on the right side of my belly (my first belly mark)  and the old ones on my hips have remained fairly light. So bonus there. 

I am so exhausted. It's probably a combination of my low hemoglobin and having a toddler at home. I went into l&d a few weeks ago to get checked as I was having dizzy spells and feeling "not right" since then I've starred increasing my iron intake which helps a bit. There are some days where just walking makes the muscles in my legs feel like giving out. 

The poor sleep I am sure plays a part too. I toss and turn a lot. And when I'm not repositioning and looking for a comfortable spot I'm up having to pee (again) for the hundredth time. I seriously don't remember being this affected with Mav, at least not until later on. 

Braxton hicks (I assume that's what it is) are constant. All day and sometimes lasting up to an hour each. Sometimes it's so tight that its actually painful. 

I'm not sure how much long I will be able to work. Sitting down causes my body to fold on itself in ways that cause more pain. 

I did my 2 hour glucose test and thankfully do not need diabetic meds, or further monitoring. I still need to be cautious and mindful of my diet but the doctor is not concerned right now. Win for me, hello chocolate. 

I had another ultrasound around 32 weeks to determine the location of my placenta and check baby's positioning and size. 

Estimated weight was 4lbs10oz (and I fully understand that's not reliable) 
Babies head had moved down and center which was our hopes. We went from weeks and weeks of being transverse, to head down oblique (aka crooked side angle where the head was in my hip) to finally proper positioning. Hopefully babe stats that way and I get my vbac. my placenta is still low, but it has moved enough that the doctor is not concerned. 

This baby is very camera shy. Face pictures are practically impossible.
We still haven't told family the gender. The envelope was opened, but they don't know it yet. Part of me felt skepticle with trusting that piece of paper, with Mav we were shown a visual confirmation. All this was was a piece of paper telling me something I never got the chance to see. So when I went to the ultrasound a couple weeks ago I asked to see. 

But still even with confirmation my lips are sealed for now ;) 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Co Parenting

Webster's defines co parenting as the "shared duties of bringing up a child". It is often made in reference to a divorced couple raising their children while living separately. When really co parenting also describes two parents who are still living under the same roof. It is something my husband and I are failing at miserably. 
And because we are failing so miserably everyone's lives (hubby, Mav and mine) are in turn miserable. No one is happy here these days, no matter how promising the day starts. 

No this is not a post looking for encouragement and people to say we are doing great. This is the truth, the ugly truth and I am being honest. 

So why is this happening? Why is everyone so miserable? What could we possibly be doing that's so wrong. I will start by stating the obvious differences in our upbringings. 

Hubby grew up with parents who attempted to be married while making each other miserable. Discipline was forced and coincided with raised voices and negative exchanges of words. 

I grew up with a mother who had multiple failed relationships and pushed strongly for independence and feelings of self worth in her children. Discipline was more positive and involved talking about cause and effect of our behaviours. No force, no raised voices. Never were we ever made to feel bad about ourselves when being disciplined. 

Flash forward to these two people dealing with a toddler prematurely entering the "terrible two" phase. We disagree on how to deal with temper tantrums and everything else. If voices are raised Mav's behaviours get worse. And I am not innocent with this one, my voice raises. I do my best to balance it with positive reinforcement and take the time to explain to him why he can not behave in certain ways. 

A typical day looks like this. Mav pushes the boundaries and gets himself worked up which in turn increases the stress level of said parents. One of the parents then takes it upon themselves to manage the situation in a way opposite of what the other feels is right. Said parents then start fighting. Fighting parents then trigger Mav to increase behaviours to the next level. Parents fight more, one gives up while saying relationship damaging words to the other. Remaining parent gets Mav under control and finishes parenting duties. Parents continue to fight after Mav is in bed, go to bed with issues unresolved. The threat of divorce is thrown out there, sometimes a productive conversation occurs attempting to find resolution. However nothing ever changes and it all repeats the next day.

Now I realize I am much more shall we say hormonal this pregnancy, but I sadly do not think this is the cause of these issues. I search the Internet wide and far looking for insight on how to better manage these things. But things will only get better if everyone involved actually tries. One person can simply not sit back nod wait for the other to change before they try, it has to happen together. And you can't make someone change, or want to change. Especially when that someone blames the other as the main cause of everything wrong in their life.
I have suggested counseling, everything imaginable but only one person going does not work. 

I feel like I am standing in a small dark room and I am very worried about the upbringing of my children. I love my husband more than anything in the world, we have always been slightly dis functional when it came to how we deal with things. But now with children involved I worry about what our relationship will do to them. I do not want my children to grow up feeling the way my husband has expressed being made felt by his parents. But I have no clue how to make sure this does not happen. I can't control or change the way my husband parents, and let me say that from what I know despite the similarities he is not as harsh a parent as his. 

At this point I don't see a resolution. And that worries me, makes me scared for my marriage.