Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hamburger or Hotdog (gender predictions)

So apparently when pregnant with Mav I said I would be ok with not finding out the gender of our next child. 

Flash forward 2 years and my husband is holding me to it. Well guess what I'm not ok. I don't want a surprise, I need to know. I don't know how people do it but I need that crucial piece of detail in order to plan and prepare, to buy and/or sell, to serve my curiosity! 

But I love my husband and marriage has to be about compromise and give and take, and since we did find out with Mav (because I wanted to) my heart is telling me I have to let him win this one. Of course I bring it up with gentle encouragement to try to sway him but I feel too guilty to bother getting into a real debate since I know this is what he wants. 

Our anatomy scan is this week and I am still holding onto the little faith I have that the excitement of it will change his mind (but watch he will and lo's legs will be crossed!) 

So if I can't know what this baby is until November then I will have to add to my curiosity my finding every gender prediction online possible! This is what I've come up with so far: 

Baking soda test - Boy (I think) 
Ring test - inconclusive (it kept changing direction)
Chinese chart - Girl 
Salty vs Sweet cravings - Girl 
Odd vs Even - Boy 
High vs Low - Boy (wrong with Mav) 
Sleep positions - Girl 
Acne - Girl 
Heart rate - Girl
Nausea - Boy 
Leg hair - Girl 

As well Hubby's Nonna (Italian grandmother) claims when your baby says "mama" first the next is a girl; if baby says "dada" the next is a boy.  - Girl 

I'm becoming obsessed with these and constantly looking up more wives tales so if anyone knows anymore please share! 

1 comment:

Britt said...

I don't know of any other gender predictors but CONGRATULATIONS on baby number 2!!!!!!!!! I have been so out of of blogging loop or I would have congratulated you much sooner! :)