Thursday, March 21, 2013

Life update

I haven't been posting lately, you may or may not have noticed. Instead I have been struggling with life in general on a daily basis. And so I have chosen not to blog with a rain cloud over my head. No one needs to read that.

In past years I have struggled with a mild case of Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka winter blues. It never really interfered with my life much, just made me a little more gloomy until the sunny weather started to return. Last year I was not affected at all, something about the pregnancy I suppose, and so this year when I started showing signs I never considered that was what it was, baby brain perhaps caused me to forget. I just kept thinking I was having a bad day, or that I was over tired... until I realized its everyday.
Lately I have not been a person that I even would want around.

I'm moody, quick to anger, and emotional to name a few. Hubby and I fight on a daily basis and I find myself loosing my temper and patience too often with MV.
We have had some big changes around here lately so I am sure that has contributed.

I am working again, and that seems to help a bit, the nicer weather too. Hopefully now that is officially spring the snow will go away and I can start feeling more like myself.

I hope everyone else is ok, I haven't even been reading much...

I will officially return shortly


Anonymous said...

Though I have never went to a doctor for it and havent been officially diagnosed i also suffer from "winter blues" is there anything you can do about it? I am also tired all the time and quick to anger. I don't want to go out if its cold and dark out and I am just a hermit all winter. I would even be willing to get medication if that's what it took. It affects my relationship with hubby. We struggled a lot in the winter before we knew why I was acting like a bitch. He is a little more understanding now that we know why.

Maria said...

i think of you ALL THE TIME, v! i'm sorry to hear you've been feeling out of sorts. when i was in middle school and sometimes in high school, i noticed a bit of what was probably s.a.d. my mom thought i had it too. as much as i love the fall and winter, there is something about a good dose of sunshine. i'm glad you're doing well with work! you will remain in my thoughts and prayers! spring needs to get here quick, right?! :)
sending lots of love xoxox

Britt said...

I know how you feel, I get S.A.D. every year too. I have missed you and hope that you are able to soak up some sunshine soon and start to feel better! It's not easy with these long drawn out winters, but maybe if you try a tanning bed, that used to help me. Not every day because that would be dangerous of course... but once or twice a week for a few minutes could potentially help. Oh and I've heard that St. Johns Wart helps with S.A.D. as well as mild depression. If you're into the homeopathic stuff maybe give that a try? I really hope that you're able to shake the funk of winter and be happy again soon!

Maria said...

just wanted to let you know i've been thinking about you all lots. i hope april has been good to you! thank you so much for your never ending support and sweet wishes!
sending big hugs and love <3<3<3