Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Stop Wasting

One of my New Years resolutions is to stop wasting food.

As I hang my head in shame I will admit we are horrible for this.

I am going to try meal planning, only a week at a time. I've tried to do the monthly plan and then stores put other things on sale and it all goes out the window so a week at a time I think is a bit more realistic for us.

Maybe we can avoid fridge and pantry clean outs that look like this....

In all fairness this was Decembers leftovers but come on now people are starving out there and we are wasting way too much!

Oh and the eggs were purchased a day before the expiry. We usually don't waste eggs


Britt said...

We are guilty of that too... At least we recognize it so that we can try to do better! :) Good luck, it's easier than it seems to plan one week at a time. We have been doing it (on and off) for a while. It's hard to do it around the holidays but now's a great time to start! :)

Britt said...

*We as in you and I ;)

Maria said...

I can relate. I just got back from grocery shopping and almost always have some produce to throw out.