Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Let me start by saying thank you for the kind words and support on my last post. It really means a lot. This has been an extremely tough week for us.

I wanted to give a quick update and then I probably will disappear for a few days again. I am not in the mood to go ahead with my originally planned posts so for now they will just have to wait.

So last Thursday morning I went ahead and called the vets to make arrangements for the dog. It turns out there's some law (or bi law?) that you have to wait 10 days to monitor for rabies after a dog bites someone. So our dog is still here, and now there's a chance she may stay. As MV has stabilized and the emotions calm down hubby has decided he wants to keep the dog because he feels the situation was preventable and will not happen again. It's an extremely conflicting issue that I think if it's going to be explained will warrant its own post so I'll leave it for now. The lady comes Friday morning to check the dog and give us the go ahead should we decide to take any action.

Last Friday morning MV woke and was burning up, I gave him some Advil and eventually we ended up down in emerg. The doctor on staff decided he must be fighting off a cold and decided the wounds looked good so home we went.
Saturday MV was extra fussy and generally not himself all day, around dinner puss started draining from one of the wouds so we got in the car and back to emerg again. This time we were admitted and after 6 rounds of intravenous antibiotics we were sent home mid day Monday. He had been prescribed oral antibiotics after the bite happened but apparently they taste horrible and he was spitting, gagging and puking it up. We are now back on those gross meds and I pretty much have to sit on him and pin him down to get them in him. I feel awful doing it but I don't want to end up back in the hospital. Tomorrow is his follow up and most likely they will be removing the stitches. I'm so nervous but excited to be another step closer to being healed.

As for myself I am doing alright depending on the moment. I've had mini panic attacks, and nightmares. I feel afraid that something is going to happen. Most of the time I am fine tho.

MV is unphased by it all. He doesn't even realize the dog bit him. He gets upset that I keep them separated. My defiant child will run/crawl over to the gate that separates him from the dog every chance he gets.

At least he's not scared.

I will be back, again thank you for the support. I hope to get back to reading all the blog posts I've missed and will keep you posted oxo


Maria said...

I hope sweet MV feels better soon! You too!! You haven't left my thoughts...I hope tomorrow goes well with the stitches. I'll be thinking of you! Xoxox

Maria said...

I hope M's (and your and S's) first Christmas as a family of three was magical!! Sending lots of love and wishing you a happy weekend before the new year!! Xoxox