Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy 2014

Happy New Years 

I hope everyone's year has been off to a great start. Life is just getting back into routine here, it's hubby's first day back to work after a two week holiday. It was nice to have him home but it's pretty nice to have him go back. Routines are always slightly off when he's home all day. 

I decided no resolutions this year, instead just some plans. Sort of a bucktlist of things I want to do over the year. Some things are just places to visit, fun things to do and others are larger tasks like reading more (or specially a goal number of books). 

One thing I decided for sure was that 2014 would be about making some changes. 

My first big change happened last week. It was terrifying and exciting. 
I've always loved funky pixie cuts and secretly wanted to try one. Well I finally got the courage and am starting the year with a whole new look :) 

Excuse the lack of smile selfies are not my strong point. Apparently I can take the photo and smile lol 

Its a nice fresh start and motivates me for many other changes both personal and at home that I plan on making this year. 

Happy New Years!