Thursday, May 30, 2013


Yesterday I turned 29. 

I remember turning 25 and feeling like it was all downhill, halfway to 50, sign me up for a retirement home now. lol dramatic I know but I was 25, so young ;)

Now I am only a year away from 30 and it doesn't even phase me. It could be the lack of excitement for my birthday, it never really amounts to much. This year once again it crept up and silently disappeared almost without a trace. 

This year my birthday went something like this: 
Wake to the sound of hubby puking his guts out.
Wrestle my teething toddler out of his urine soaked diaper into a clean one and fresh clothes. 
Listen to said toddler scream and cry while I pack his bag for daycare, apparently not moving fast enough as he stands at the door desperate to leave. 
Go to work. 
Finish work go home and shower in peace before picking up the teething toddler. 
Go out to dinner with my mom and who else? You guessed it cranky my molars are coming in toddler. Hubby is still too sick at this point to join us. 
Go home, bathe the kid, put him to bed and pass out exhausted. 

Oh and let's not forget how I stalked my Facebook page just to see all the birthday wishes from people I haven't seen and barely spoke with in years. People who wish me an "extra special day" or "fantastic" and "wonderful" day, hoping I get "spoiled". Are these people for real? Do people really use these words to describe their birthdays? If so I feel like I have been getting the short straw for a few years now.  :-/ 

So another year has come and gone, and what a year it's been. I'm not sure if I am any wiser but I'm sure I must have learned a thing or two. 

So here's to another year, my last year in my twenties. 

1 comment:

Maria said...

i am so happy to be catching up on all of your posts!! happy birthday a LITTLE late. ;) you had me cracking up with your fb birthday wish descriptions!! :)
29 is a great year!! wishing you a wonderful last year in your twenties. 30's no big deal at all...take it from this old lady. ;)