Tuesday, October 30, 2012

8 Months

19lbs 7oz


Hair and Eyes
Hair - its getting thicker, with the exception of the patches above his ears lol. I think it's more dirty blonde at this point too.
Eyes- no changes they are blue :)

Clothing Size
Footed sleepers - 12 months
Shirts - long sleeve are 9 months but he still fits in 6m short sleeve
Pants - 9 months

Size 3 still

f***ing horrible.
Things started fine with MV sleeping in his bed waking twice maybe three times a night. Then for some reason still unknown he now wakes every 30-60 minutes screaming. To say I am exhausted is an understatement.

Some more new solids have been introduced, plums seem to be a favourite.
Breast feeding continues every 2-3 hours, MV is having some issues here and won't stay latched longer than 4 minutes.

New Developments
- MV learned how to roll across the room so this became his way of getting around for a week before he full out started crawling. Now he's into everything!
- MV went to his first pumpkin patch :)
- MV stayed with a sitter (hubby's aunt) twice this month. First was just 2 hours while I went for a pedicure but the second time was for 6 long hours. The longest 6 hours ever. I had a few anxiety attacks and apparently he wasn't the happiest either.
- tooth #5 poked through. Top left fang.
- he started waving at people. Sometimes he'll do it when we say to, other times it's just random.
- favourite things this month include staring out the windows, and playing in the dog's water bowel.
- personality is wild and crazy. He never stops, and is into everything. I foresee a cast or two in our future!when you catch him doing something or about to do something he's not supposed to he let's out the funniest sounding giggle.


KC said...

He is so handsome! Everytime you post I feel like I could have written the same update about my boys. There sleep has started to go down the toilet! Plus we have had to barricade the boys in so that they don't end up with broken necks.
Great to see MV is doing so well!

KC said...


Britt said...

As my grandma would say.. What a little doll baby! He is too cute for words! I hope his sleep settles soon so that you both can get some good rest!

Maria said...

awww, he's waving!! :) i'm sorry the sleep has been pretty rough lately! i'm glad you treated yourself to a pedicure...ahh, i'm sure it was wonderful...i miss them (i'm weird and won't get one while pregnant bc of the silly *probably myths* about the massage causing contractions...if i can't get the massage, it's a tease for me. lol) that photo of him in the leaves is just so stinkin' beautiful - i love his sweater and hat!! happy november to you and your sweet family. <3