Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge day 4

Meaning behind your blog name:

Choosing a blog name was one of the more difficult things creatively I've ever done. It was a lot easier to pick out names for me son then to name my blog! I searched the Internet for inspiration typing "how to name your blog" and anything else I thought might help into the search bar. I read through endless pages of song lyrics hoping something would stand out.

When I started my first blog I barely knew what it was going to be about, despite my recent (at the time) miscarriage being a main topic I didn't want it to define me so I came up with the title "My little life" I decided that left the door open to write about anything I wanted. Simple, cute done.

Then it came time to move on from that blog and this one was created. This time I had a better idea of what kind of blog I wanted to be, the kinds of things I wanted to share. "All the Little Things" that made me me, and were part of my life. So this time naming the blog just happened naturally as I evolved.

I still have a long way to go to being that blogger I had envisioned, I tend to be a lazy blogger. There are tons of great ideas for posts that I just haven't found the time to get too. But slowly I'm getting there :)

1 comment:

Maria said...

you're was tough to find a blog name. i remember i was in the bath when the name came to me. i texted steve from the tub and asked him what he thought.
i love the names you chose. "all the little things" are all the important things at the end of the day. <3

wishing you a wonderful tuesday, my friend!